
Gifts in Lieu

  • Concrete Road Appeal...

    You may see the short film here. If you would like to donate a ‘Square Foot of Concrete’ for our rescued animals, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, please enter below the number of ‘square...

  • Gift a Bale of Hay

    If you would like to donate a ‘Gift of Hay’ to help feed our rescued animals, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, please enter below the number of ‘bales’ (£5 each) you would like to...

  • Feed a Rescued Dog for a Week at Hillside...

    If you would like to donate a ‘Food for a Rescued Dog’, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, please enter below the number of dogs (£10 each) you would like to feed. We will send you a Greetings...

  • Gift a Sack of Mixed Corn

    If you would like to donate a ‘Sack of Corn’ to help feed our rescued birds, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, please enter below the number of sacks (£10 each) you would like to give. We will...

  • Gift a Sack of Grass Nuts

    Feeding all the animals in the Winter...During the summer when grass is plentiful, our animals enjoy grazing out in the fields.  When winter arrives, to keep them well, they rely on us to provide them with good quality...

  • Gift a Bale of Straw

    If you would like to donate a ‘Gift of Straw’ to help provide essential bedding for our rescued animals, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, please enter below the number of ‘bales’...

  • Hillside Carrot Appeal

    Hillside's rescued animals love munching carrots during the winter months. If you'd like to donate towards carrots, which cost £5 for a barrowload or £30 for a tonne (one tonne equals 6 barrowloads at £5...

  • Pony Patio Appeal...

    THANK YOU!  AMOUNT RAISED NOW OVER 3000 Square Ft! We are so grateful to everyone who kindly donated to our Pony Patio Appeal and are thrilled to have raised the funds to complete a paved area outside two of our...